Chile Easter Island
by Paul Meijering
Buy the Original Painting
120.000 x 90.000 x 1.000 cm.
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Chile Easter Island
Paul Meijering
Painting - Acrylic Painting
Realistic acrylic painting of a Chilean man together with the Moai on Easter Island, Chile, painted by the Dutch fine artist Paul Meijering - the Original painting is 90 x 120 cm and for sale
Easter Island (Rapa Nui: Rapa Nui, Spanish: Isla de Pascua) is a Chilean island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeasternmost point of the Polynesian Triangle. Easter Island is famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai, created by the early Rapa Nui people. In 1995, UNESCO named Easter Island a World Heritage Site, with much of the island protected within Rapa Nui National Park.
May 20th, 2015
Comments (7)
John Alexander
You have such vibrant colors... the figures in your works simply jump out and grab your attention. I freakin LOVE it. Great work my friend.
Robyn King
Wonderful painting!! Congratulations on being featured in The World We See Group:-)
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so much, Robyn, for your compliment, support and the feature in your wonderful group!!;-)
Joseph Levine
Paul, this is the most simpatico depiction of Easter Island's iconic Heads I've ever seen (even the suspicious Chilean looks like he'll forgive you for invading 'his' territory because of the beauty with which you've painted it)!
Paul Meijering replied:
Joseph.., You are So Kind!! Thank you so much, for your lovely comment and kind words!!;-)
Chrisann Ellis
Paul, Your Work has been Featured On The Home Page of Weekly Fun For All Mediums..Happy Days..Congrats!!!
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so much, Chrisann, for your support and the feature in your fantastic group!!;-)
John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so much, John, for your support and the feature in your exciting group!!;-)
John Malone
Congratulations on this marvellous painting being FEATURED in “PAINTING THE OLD WAY” , L….group administrator, John Malone (You may also want to participate in our discussion thread, I would appreciate that)
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so much, John, for your compliment, support and the feature in your marvellous group!!;-)