Huli men in the jungle of Papua New Guinea
by Paul Meijering
Buy the Original Painting
120.000 x 90.000 x 1.000 cm.
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Huli men in the jungle of Papua New Guinea
Paul Meijering
Painting - Acrylic Painting
Realistic acrylic painting by the Dutch fine artist Paul Meijering of two Huli men of the Southern Highlands region near a waterfall in the jungle of Papua New Guinea. -
Papua New Guinea (PNG Tok Pisin: Papua Niugini; Hiri Motu: Papua Niu Gini), officially the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, is an Oceanian country that occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and its offshore islands in Melanesia, a region of the southwestern Pacific Ocean north of Australia. Its capital, located along its southeastern coast, is Port Moresby. The western half of New Guinea forms the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua.
The Huli or Haroli are an indigenous people who live in the Southern Highlands districts of Tari, Koroba, Margaraima and Komo, of Papua New Guinea. The latest estimates put their population at around 150,000; they have lived in their current area for about 1000 years. They speak primarily Huli and Tok Pisin; many also speak some of the surrounding languages, and some also speak English.
The Original painting is 90 x 120 cm and for sale
June 17th, 2015
Comments (9)
Robyn King
Congratulations your beautiful artwork is being featured in The World We See Group:-)
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so very much, Robyn, for your compliments, support and the feature in your wonderful group!!;-))
Chrisann Ellis
Paul, Your Work has been Featured On The Home Page of Weekly Fun For All Mediums..Summer Fun..Congrats!!! vt.ft
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so very much, Chrisann, for the support and the Feature in your wonderful Group!;-)
John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so much, John, for the Feature in your wonderful exciting Group!;-)
David Neace
Congratulations, your work is featured on the homepage of "Created by my Hands"
Paul Meijering replied:
Thank you so much, David, for the Feature in your wonderful creative Group!;-)