Xiao Song Jiang Venice Painting
by Paul Meijering
Buy the Original Painting
120.000 x 90.000 x 1.000 cm.
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Xiao Song Jiang Venice Painting
Paul Meijering
Painting - Acrylic Painting On Panel
Realistic acrylic painting of the Chinese-born Canadian painter Xiao Song Jiang - who was born in 1955, in Wuhan, China - painting in Venice, painted by the Dutch fine artist Paul Meijering - the original painting is 120 x 90 cm and available for purchase.
Chinese-born Canadian painter Xiao Song Jiang was born in 1955, in Wuhan, China. In 1978 he studied fine arts at the China Academy of Art, formerly the Zhejiang Art Academy, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 1982, then began lecturing watercolor at the City of Wuhan Construction College. Four years after, Song was selected to further develop his skill at the provincial Hubei Art Academy. During his time there, he accumulated years of experience, painting, sketching, and working for a refined grasp of color and technique.
June 24th, 2022
Comments (8)
Taphath Foose
Beautiful work, Paul!!! CONGRATULATIONS, your work is featured in "For the ART of It"!! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" discussion thread and any other thread that is fitting!! 😊
Taphath Foose
Beautiful work, Paul!!! CONGRATULATIONS, your work is featured in "Your Best Work"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" discussion thread and any other thread that is fitting!! 😊
Dr Debra Stewart's Gallery
Congratulations, your wonderful image has been featured in the Greatest of All Time group -- thanks for sharing it with us! Please feel free to add it to the most recent Feature Archive in the Discussion section (using the "embed" link on your image page)
Jan Keteleer
Congratulations, your work is featured on the homepage of "Beauty in Art - NO Photo - One a Week"
Beryl Jasper
Congrats!! Your amazing artwork has been featured in FUN PAINTING ARTISTS group. You are invited to promote your artwork in “Thank you and Promote” discussion thread of the group.
John Malone
Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our Homepage, Painting the Old Way